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c# Entity Framework EDMX not updating connection string in ASP NET web application

The Controller is that piece of the application that handles the client interaction. The controller interprets the mouse and keyboard inputs from the client, informing model and the view to change as proper. Despite these updates, the EDMX model seems to be linked to the previous database schema. I have a new column in a table of the new DB, although the table what is entity framework already exists in the old DB the new column doesn’t, so when I refresh I’m not able to see the new column in the diagram. I updated the connection string in my web.config file located in the root directory of the web application. Use to interact with database to perform database operation (select, insert, edit and delete) including Database connection.

what is entity framework in mvc

Views are created by the data gathered from the model data. A view demands the model to give data so it resets the output show to the user. After opening the console application, Entity framework is not installed by default. So to put it the other way around, if you want to do data access with Entity Framework, DbContext is what you want.

ASP.NET MVC Entity Framework

Let us proceed and see how we can rewrite the same example using Entity Framework using C# language. Then we need to select the database object for our application. As our database has one table, so we need to select that Employee Table.

what is entity framework in mvc

Provide a meaningful namespace to your EDMX file and finally click on the Finish button as shown in the below image. Most of the time you don’t have to write any SQL yourself, and iterating is very easy using your language built in functions. When you make any changes to the object, the ORM will usually detect this, and mark the object as ‘modified’. When you save all the changes in your ORM to the database, the ORM will automatically generate insert/update/delete statements, based on what you did with the objects. Now we have to add Entity so here I am going to use database first approach when we have an already-existing database then we will prefer the database first approach.

What is the best practice, Entity Framework Models or MVC Models?

DbContext is a class provided by Entity Framework to establish connection to database, query the db and close connection. It is a data access framework which used to create and test data in the visual studio. The latest package is shipped as Entity Framework NuGet Package. For adding controller using entity framework, we need to modify the reverse engineered classes pubsContext and Store.cs.

  • In the next step, click on the new connection From Choose your data connection wizard as shown below.
  • Tables are mapped to classes and columns are mapped to class properties.
  • While using this site, you agree to have read and accepted our terms
    of use and privacy policy.
  • The EmployeeDBContext class derives from the DbContext class and is responsible for establishing a connection to the database.
  • In our upcoming article, we will discuss using business objects as our model.

Entity framework is essentially is a persistence framework that frees you from all the extra work. We do not have to write any stored procedures, manage database connections, or manually mapping the database or table to the domain object. Therefore, if we want to access the database in our application, which we most often used, we used a persistent framework. In this article, I am going to give you a brief introduction to the Entity Framework. Before .NET 3.5 as a developer, we often used to write ADO.NET code to perform CRUD operations with the underlying database.

Picture of Maya Meal

Maya Meal

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